Fitting Wellness Into Your Life

Healthy Valentine's Day Gifts
Healthy Gifts

Healthy Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentine's Day is a big deal in the United States. A recent survey found that more than 50% of adults in a relationship expect to receive a present to celebrate the holiday. Economists estimate th...
take control of your health and wellness in everyday life featured image
Artificial Intelligence

Take Control of Your Health and Wellness in Everyday Life

For many of us, it's tempting not to think about our health until something goes wrong, especially when we’re young. In high school my best friend and I often walked to the corner store together t...
you gotta own your health featured image
behavior change

Own Your Health: Both Health and Healthcare Depend on You

It’s tempting not to think about your health until something goes wrong. As long as nothing hurts or slows you down, you can focus on something else, right? Not quite. Let’s change that mindset. Fo...
what personalized healthcare means for you featured image
Artificial Intelligence

What Personalized Healthcare Means for You

Most of us long to be seen and cared for as unique individuals, especially when we’re feeling ill or injured. Until now, much of healthcare has been rooted in what works for the “average” patient, ...
host a virtual workout birthday party featured image

Host a Virtual Workout Birthday Party!

This morning I Zoomed into a workout class with several friends I went to high school with who now live in cities across the country. We spent an hour stretching, jumping, and getting in shape toge...
Bike Share: Healthy Tech Right Outside Your Door

Bike Share: Healthy Tech Right Outside Your Door

Do you have a bike sharing service where you live? Washington DC, my home, has one of the first bike sharing services in the country. In its ten-year history, riders have taken more than 27 million...