Fitting Wellness Into Your Life

Holiday Gift Guide for Wellness Enthusiasts

Holiday Gift Guide for Wellness Enthusiasts

What makes a great holiday gift? Of course it depends on the specific person you're giving to, such as whether they're a sports lover, avid reader, foodie, or a fashionista. Regardless of your fami...
Health Benefits of Being Kind
active listening

Health Benefits of Being Kind

November 13th is World Kindness Day, making it the perfect time to extend care to people in your life–including yourself. You may have heard that being kind benefits not only the recipient of posit...
the joy and health benefits of giving to others featured image

The Joy and Health Benefits of Giving to Others

The holiday season is nearly upon us.  Giving is synonymous with the winter holidays. Sure, it feels good in the moment to give to others, but did you know that giving can also benefit your health ...